“In an effort to address issues such as; illegal overnight camping on State Park property, reduce the threat of illegal fires and after hour illegal activities, while still providing access to BLM camping at China Bar on the South Yuba River, State Parks will be posting a new order, Title 14 CCR 4326a.
The new Posted Order will limit parking hours at the Purdon Crossing Parking Lot on State Park property from 7am to Sunset. State Parks is working with BLM to have signage changed. The new regulation will allow two parking sites identified for 72-hour parking, for vehicles associated with persons accessing BLM China Bar camping. Law enforcement officials will be issuing warnings for two weeks for vehicles parking in violation of park hours.
My thanks to the County, BLM and our partners for supporting our efforts to make our State Parks and the community safer for all of our visitors and residents.”
— Matthew Green, Chief Ranger, Sierra District, California State Parks