They are coming for the trails!
Dear Members and Friends,
I could have titled this: “So many trails, so little time” and that would have been apt as well, because the time we have on trails without constantly looking over our shoulders is limited.
Trends in public lands are heading toward allowing both Ebikes and regular mountain bikes on trails. Marin Water (MW), in particular, is pushing forward on Pilot Projects to put bikes, E bikes, mtn. bike teams and cycling camp riders on selected hiking and hiker/horse trails in a two year pilot study.
(Sadly, most, if not all, of the trails on Marin Water are already ridden illegally by bike riders.)
MW Board promises transparency, safety and minimal disruptions, but equestrians, hikers, joggers and dog walkers are wary. Under consideration for the pilot trails, and possibly decided on at the September 3 board meeting, are a number of favorite trails used by hikers and horse riders. District Staff has also told us that due to water quality issues, horses will no longer be allowed on the Sunnyside Trail, built by the Tamalpais Trail Riders decades ago just after Bon Tempe Lake was filled. MHC board is active with Marin Stables (located on MW land), conservation groups, and other foot people organizations to review the proposals, drill down on pertinent parts of the pilots, and communicate with the MW Board. We will keep you informed.
Where is the equity for equestrians and hikers, the slower moving visitors on public lands?
STAND UP FOR HORSES! And, stand up for trail safety.
Linda Novy, President
Marin Horse Council