Click here to see the article in YUBANET - Published on Sep 1, 2015 - 10:44:52 AM
Action Coalition for Equestrians (ACE) announced today that their non-profit organization is the recipient of a $10,000.00 grant from the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation. The money was given to the non-profit organization “in recognition of the organization’s continuing and well-directed charitable activities”.
ACE has been recognized multiple times by the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation and most recently for their contribution to the local management of Park Watch Report, a custom software driven data base that collects data from the public and conveys it to park management. To date trail users
in Auburn and Folsom Lake State Recreation Areas and Hidden Falls Regional Park have logged more than 600 reports including illegal dumping, suction dredge mining, mountain lion sightings, downed trees and other trail maintenance issues, and safety issues caused by illegal use and illegal building of non-sanctioned trails.
California State Parks Superintendents from Auburn and Folsom Lake State Recreation Areas worked closely with ACE and Park Watch Report testing the pilot programs. In 2014 ACE played vital role in the development of the Park Watch Report mobile phone app that puts maps, events, alerts and reporting abilities at the fingertips of trail users. Reports with photos and GPS coordinates can be downloaded at the incident site and forwarded directly to park management. The app is free and available at, Google Play and the Apple Store.