"Over the past few years, there had been quite an increase in equestrian trail users at trail heads. It became necessary to provide an education campaign that addressed horse manure left in the horse trailer parking areas. Horse manure wasn't a problem when there was so little it broke down rapidly and became fertilizer for plants, but when there is so much that the natural processes stop, it needed to be removed. The answer was simple: let the equestrians know they are responsible for removal."
Land Managers were contacted, flyers were made, and members from Loomis Basin Horsemen, El Dorado Equestrian Trails, Gold Country Trails Council, Folsom Lake SRA Mounted Patrol, and Meadow Vista Trails Association placed them on windshields at trailheads in Placer County Parks, Folsom Lake State Park, Tahoe National Forest and others.
"Equestrians on the whole are law abiding and create few problems for land managers - we knew this program would work. Within a short time, we were being sent pictures that showed 100% compliance."
ACE is planning to expand the successful program to other areas which ensures compliance with no cost in dollars or man power to our public lands. If your area wishes to host this successful program, click here to email Mother Lode Trails and a flyer will be designed for you and your organization. The only cost will be printing the windshield tag - here is an example: