We were able to fund a 5-person Student Conservation Association (SCA) crew for a total of 5 weeks to work on the Georgetown RD Non-Motorized Trail Maintenance Project. The crew will start work on April 3rd. We are also happy to have the help of the Greenwood California Conservation Corps, who have volunteered to spend two days helping us maintain the Little Silver equestrian trail.
Upcoming volunteer opportunities for this project:
Traverse Creek Botanical Area hiking trails- 3 day project
We plan to maintain 4 hiking trails within this special botanical area. Activities would include clearing vegetation from the trail corridor, constructing drain dips to prevent water from traveling down the trail tread, disguising user trails to prevent impacts to off-trail vegetation, installing both informational and navigational signs, installing two wooden barricades to prevent damage to sensitive plant species, maintaining/reinstalling wooden water bars, and installing a couple stone stair steps. This is a cool project because it is in such a special area, and the trails are short enough to accomplish all of these goals with just a few volunteer days. A botanist may be present to give a short talk about the area, and to ensure the trail work does not damage sensitive plant species.
For more information on Traverse Creek:
We may have some other opportunities later in the year. If you are interested in volunteering for the Traverse Creek project or any projects that may come up later in the year, please reply and let me know. I will be sending out a Doodle poll link to those interested so we can choose dates that would work for the majority of people.
Feel free to share this email with any groups or supporters that may be interested. Thanks again for your support for the Non-Motorized Trail Maintenance Project!
Hannah Stone
District Recreation Officer
Forest Service
Eldorado National Forest, Georgetown Ranger District
[email protected]
p: 530-333-5567