Here is letter:
"The Nevada County Boaxd of Supervisors would like to express their support for the proposed Pines To Mines Trail, a multiuse, non-motorized trail connection between the Nevada County municipalities of Truckee and Nevada City. The trail will be suitable for use by hikers, equestrians, and mountain bikers.
The Pines To Mines Trail, when completed, will be an approximately 80-mile route that offers both single and multi-day excursions across Nevada County's most beautiful mountain landscapes. Utilizing portions of the Trout Creek Canyon Trail, the Donner Lake Rim Trail, the Hole In The Ground Trail, the Spaulding Lake Trail, and the Pioneer Trail, approximately 14 miles of new construction will be required to create a single connection. On the far west end of the trail, a segment between Harmony Ridge and Nevada City will then link the trail into a single cohesive whole.
Four Nevada County nonprofits —Bear Yuba Land Trust, Bicyclists of Nevada County, Gold Country Trails Council, and the Truckee Trails Foundation —have partnered to make this project a reality. As a recreational amenity, it will add to the quality of life of those who live here and enjoy trails, and in so doing it could well serve as a feature that attracts new businesses along with entrepreneurs who value the outdoors. The Pines to Mines Trail will also enhance the public's understanding of the pioneer history of Nevada County, and will enhance, too, their appreciation for Sierra geology, topography, and the varied alpine-to-foothills habitats that span this notable section of California's most significant mountain range. The Nevada County Board of Supervisors very much appreciates the collaborative effort between the Bear Yuba Land Trust, Bicyclists of Nevada County, Gold Country Trails Council, and the Truckee Trails Foundation, and look forward to the successful implementation of their Pines to Mines Trail —an extra- ordinary, visionary project.
Hank Weston, Chairman, Board of Supervisors
You may see the original document and letter here:
Below is the statement that went with the letter of support: