Judy Suter, representative for the Action Coalition for Equestrians (ACE), the group that rented the hall and arranged for the presentation, was pleased but not surprised at the turnout. She said, "Ours is an area of thousands of active trail riding equestrians. In public meetings, they show up and are supportive for the expansion of safe trails."
Several years ago, this bridge and trail connection was removed from the Auburn Dam site, and even though it was promised by the state and Bureau of Reclamation to be rebuilt, the bridge has remained on paper. Finally, with the preparation of the new Auburn State Recreation Area General Plan, there is an opportunity to get this project on the front burner again.
Protect American River Canyons (PARC) started a campaign to push the state and federal agencies to get going on this project and let them know how important this bridge is to the public. Deanna Marsh from PARC presented maps and conceptual drawings of use plans for the area that include camping, parking, separate equestrian parking, rehabilitation of the dam site, multi-use trails and a separate horse-hiker trail on the zigzag trail to Cool.
Marsh said the extensive plans for the bridge already done, the CEQA work is completed, and $500,000 is set aside for the building of the bridge. Marsh brought post cards for the attendees to fill out and send to State Parks and the BOR, to show the agencies how much this bridge is needed and supported by trail users.
To find out where to send your comments and more information about the China Bar Trail Bridge, go HERE http://www.parc-auburn.org/arc-park-plan.html