ACE has had a long and active history. It filed to be a nonprofit organization in 2002. In 2003-2006, it assisted developing the California Horse Council which later became the CA Equestrian Trail and Land Coalition. ACE was instrumental in several California State Park trails plans, including Oroville State Recreation Area. Realizing there was a need to have a centralized database and reporting function for trail safety and usage, ACE funded the software development for Park Watch Report. It was implemented in three state parks with success and in 2014 was sold to be a for-profit entity. For over 10 years, Park Watch Report gathered data as well as providing trail safety and usage data to land managers. ACE also funded many worth while organizations and projects, such as rebuilding the horse barns at Placer County Fair, Safe Trails Alliance, and partially funded Mother Lode Trails to be a local resource website for all trail users.
The change of ACE's mission corresponds with the increasing and active local membership of equestrian and trails organizations. All trail users, including equestrians, care about safe trails and equal access to public lands, and have established local trail advocacy organizations rather than funnel their energy and donations into national or state groups which may lack action in their own backyards.
You can see the links to all our local organizations, click here.
As for state-wide influence for equestrians and stock use on public lands, since 1981 Back Country Horsemen of California has been extremely effective and continues its valuable mission.
We can say goodbye to ACE as it was, and are looking forward to its success in what it plans to become.