SYRCL's work to restore Yuba headwater meadows has been driven by the desire to answer questions about how restoration efforts benefit meadow ecosystems. In partnership with the Tahoe National Forest, the league implemented a meadow restoration project at Loney Meadow in 2017.
Starting in 2014, SYRCL implemented a before, after, control, impact design to understand how vegetation, groundwater and surface hydrology, carbon, greenhouse gases and aquatic species would be impacted by the restoration project. This talk will provide an overview of the league's restoration goals, monitoring efforts and provide initial results from the hydrology, vegetation, and carbon monitoring.
Rachel Hutchinson will lead the talk from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 13, in the Multipurpose Center, building N-12, at the Sierra College Nevada County Campus. A meet-and-greet and refreshments will be available at 6 p.m.
Hutchinson is the River Science Director at The South Yuba River Citizens League. Her work is focused on conservation, restoration, monitoring, dam relicensing and education programs, according to the release. Since joining the league in 2013, she has focused on implementing data driven restoration projects at both the headwaters and in the lower Yuba River that allow for the quantification of restoration benefits.
The Nevada County Campus is located at 250 Sierra College Drive, in Grass Valley. Parking is $3, and permits are available at the kiosk machine at the main entrance to the campus.
For more information, contact the series coordinator Jason Giuliani at [email protected]
To see the original article and photos in The Union newspaper, CLICK HERE.