Oct. 4th
Folsom Bike Jr. Bike Program 4:30pm-6:00pm Teaching mountain bike skills to kids between the ages of 8-14. All day use fees apply
Participants: 75 Spectators: 25
Contact: Erin Gorrell 916-844-1000
Oct. 5th
REI Intro to Mountain Biking
Oct. 5th
Glow Run
Granite Bay - Willow Creek - Negro Bar
Family friendly fun run starting and ending in Historic Folsom. Participants will enter the park at Negro Bar
1000 participants
Sarah Trobee 916-461-6618 for more information
Oct. 11th
Folsom Bike Jr. Bike Program
Teaching mountain bike skills to kids between the ages of 8-14.
Contact: Erin Gorrell
Oct 12th
Granite Head Trails & Ales
Event hours: 8:00am-11:00am
Granite Bay Activity Center
Trail run event using trails around Granite Bay.
900 participants
Contact: Mark Shaw 916-995-6676
Oct. 12th
Insomnia 35k Run
Beal’s Point & FLSRA Trails
Event hours: 7:00pm-1:00am
NIGHT time trail running event starting at Gate 142 (Auburn SRA) and ending at Beal’s Point. Event will use the Pioneer Express Trail.
100 participants
Contact: Paulo Medina 650-391-7031
Oct 13th
Mountain Bike 50 Miler
Event hours: 8:00am-2:00pm
Granite Bay
Mountain bike race using multi-use trails around Granite Bay.
200 Participants
Contact: Mark Shaw 650-391-7031
Oct. 13th
Fleet Feet Training
Group trail running program using the Pioneer Express Trail.
Contact: Sean Garbutt 916-442-3690
Oct. 18th
Folsom Bike Jr. Bike Program
Granite Bay
Teaching mountain bike skills to kids between the ages of 8-14.
Contact: Erin Gorrell 916-844-1000
Oct. 19th
REI Intro to Mountain Biking
Granite Bay
Oct. 20th
Folsom Blues Breakout Half Marathon
Nimbus Flat
*Bike trail will be closed during the event*
Event hours: 7:00am-11:00am
Run starting at Folsom Lake Crossing, then heading down Folsom-Auburn Road to Lake Natoma. Event will enter the park at the Lake Natoma Crossing and use American River Bike Trail on the south side of the lake. Turn around point at Nimbus Flat. There will be aid stations at Willow Creek and Nimbus Flat.
1500 Participants:
Contact: John Mansour 916-792-7055
Oct. 25th
Folsom Bike Jr. Bike Program
Granite Bay
Teaching mountain bike skills to kids between the ages of 8-14.
Contact: Erin Gorrell 916-844-1000
Oct. 26th
REI Singletrack Mountain Biking
9:00am -12:30pm
Granite Bay
Oct. 27th
Equestrian Challenge for MS
Event hours: 7:00am-4:00pm
Staging at Granite Bay Horse Assembly.
5-20 mile trail rides on horseback
Event will use the Pioneer Express Trail, beach trails, and multi-use trails.
Contact: Debbie McGee 916-847-0638 or Brenda Strait 916-717-2764