Several landslides from previous storms have started to move again and a new massive slide is blocking the access road.
State Park Chief Ranger Matt Green has issued the closure order for the area and stated that anyone found in the area is subject to a fine of up to $1,000 – but most importantly they put their life at risk.
“The area is highly unstable and we expect further slides,” Green said. Access to the river is impossible and the very high flows – carrying trees and huge boulders – present a hazard situation.
The eastern portion of the Independence Trail is affected by one of the slides as well. Green has State Park personnel out there now assessing the extent of the damage. At the latest report, the Trail will be closed as it is compromised by the slide.
The short break in weather will be used to work with Caltrans and other cooperators to clear the existing slides and assess the weakened slopes, Green stated.
From Bear Yuba Land Trust website:
Independence Trail West NOTE: Rush Creek Ramp is UNSAFE and CLOSED."
Independence Trail East NOTE: Closed indefinitely due to landslides, fallen trees and infrastructure damages.
For your own safety, stay away from the bridge, river and trails at this time.
Photo courtesy Boyd Johnson, NSJFD
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