“This is the largest single effort to expand hunting and fishing access in recent history,” said Secretary Bernhardt. “President Trump has made increasing public access and streamlining government functions priorities of his administration, and this new rule delivers on both fronts given the unprecedented expansion of public acreage and removal or revision of 5,000 hunting and fishing regulations to more closely match state laws. This is a big win for sportsmen and sportswomen across the country and our collective conservation efforts.”
The expansion included in the rule is more than double the acreage that has been opened or expanded compared to the last 5 years combined. Seventy-seven national wildlife refuges and 15 national fish hatcheries managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are incorporated in the new rule and are now open to hunting and fishing for the first time or have expanded opportunities for new game species. ...
The balance of this Dept. of Interior Secty Bernhardt Press Release is here:
These are the new areas open for hunting and fishing in California:
o Colusa National Wildlife Refuge: Open to wild turkey hunting for the first time on 1,639 acres.
o Delevan National Wildlife Refuge: Open to wild turkey hunting for the first time on 1,696 acres.
o Marin Islands National Wildlife Refuge: Open to sport fishing for the first time.
o Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge: Open to wild turkey hunting for the first time on 1,371 acres.
o San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge: Expand season date ranges and method of take for
existing migratory game bird hunting on 9,726 acres.
o Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge: Open sport fishing for the first time.
o Sutter National Wildlife Refuge: Open to wild turkey hunting for the first time on 839 acres.