The draft Folsom Lake State Recreation Area and Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park Road and Trail Management Plan is available for review and can be located here,
This is your opportunity to provide comment on proposed recommendations developed through public and agency input. Please review the plan and provide input using the interactive comment tool located here. Comments can also be submitted by email to [email protected]
Comment submittal deadline is June 22, 2022.
Online meeting Folsom Lake Road and Trails Management Plan meeting
Date and timeWed, June 8, 2022
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM PDT
LocationOnline event
Attend to learn about the Folsom Lake State Recreation Area and Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park Draft Road and Trail Management Plan.
The California Department of Parks and Recreation has prepared a Draft Road and Trail Management Plan (RTMP) for Folsom Lake State Recreation Area (SRA) and Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park (SHP) and needs your input!
Please join the virtual public meeting on
Wednesday, June 8, 2022 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
to learn more about the RTMP draft and share your thoughts.
Comment submittal deadline is June 22, 2022.
The purpose of the RTMP is to provide specific and detailed management direction for roads and trails, guiding the operation, maintenance, and development of the road and trail system. Public input is critical for ensuring that the RTMP best responds to the needs and preferences of existing and potential visitors. Opportunities to participate include joining the public meeting, registering to speak during the meeting's public comment period, and sharing input on the online public commenting tool. To learn more about
the planning process and opportunities to participate, visit:
Comment submittal deadline is June 22, 2022.
This meeting will be conducted via Zoom and recorded. By attending the meeting, you are consenting to being photographed or video recorded. You will receive an initial email confirming your registration, and another email prior to the event with instructions for joining the meeting. Meeting participants are encouraged to join from a personal computer, tablet, or smart phone with an internet connection. Participants will also have the option to join by phone, but a phone connection may limit your ability to participate.
Comment submittal deadline is June 22, 2022.
Persons requiring special accommodations should contact [email protected] by June 5, 2022.