The SEIR details the proposed expansion of Hidden Falls’ natural-surface, multi-use trail network onto approximately 2,765 additional acres of land owned by either the Placer Land Trust or Placer County, or where the county owns easements.
Approximately 30 miles of trails (including existing and proposed trails) within the expansion areas would be added to the 30 miles of existing trails within the current park boundary.
Two new parking areas and an additional overflow area within the existing Hidden Falls Park parking area are also proposed, as well as other amenities such as bridges, overlooks, picnic benches and tables, restrooms, drinking fountains and equestrian facilities.
After a series of public meetings and further analysis of the original proposed project the Parks Division modified its proposal and is recommending to the Board of Supervisors a reduced project.
The reduced project includes: a limitation on the development of the Twilight Ride parking area to only 54 automobile parking spaces and 20 equestrian spaces, reduction of parking availability and use of the Garden Bar entrance, and use of the existing dirt parking area off Curtola Ranch Road for Harvego Preserve docent-led tours. The proposed spaces reflect an approximately 60 percent reduction in the number of spaces studied by the SEIR.
The reduced project would not increase the frequency of docent-led tours in the Harvego Preserve beyond what is currently allowed (12 per year), and would not include parking or trail access improvements off of Curtola Ranch Road.
The project includes 25 additional overflow parking spaces within the existing Hidden Falls Park parking area off of Mears Drive in North Auburn.
The Placer County Planning Commission meeting will NOT be held at 4 p.m. on Sept. 24. The meeting agenda and public participation details are available on the Planning Commission webpage, here.
The purpose of the meeting WAS to provide responsible and trustee agencies, residents, civic organizations and other interested parties with an opportunity to provide comments on the Final SEIR and the proposed project.
The county will conduct a Board of Supervisors hearing this fall to decide upon the certification of the SEIR, as well as the proposed conditional use permit modification. The CUP modification will cover both the existing Hidden Falls Regional Park as well as the Trails Expansion area.
The SEIR is available online, and paper copies are also available for public review during normal business hours at the following locations:
Placer County Community Development Resource Agency
3091 County Center Drive, Suite 190, Auburn, CA 95603
Office hours: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays
Placer County Clerk-Recorder’s Office
2954 Richardson Drive, Auburn, CA 95603
Office hours: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
To see the original article in Roseville Today newspaper CLICK HERE.