Mother Lode Trails supports the full EIR and the Reduced Project Plan for the Hidden Falls Expansion project. This is a crucial time to gain access to 30 miles of additional trails, and we need your help! There are four meetings coming up (!!!) and your comments are needed for each - starting this Thursday with the Placer County Park Commission.
There is some active local land owner opposition, so every voice counts, and we need yours to make this happen. If you need some talking points, we have attached a list of suggestions.
* Sept 17, 5 pm Parks Commission We need bodies there and/or online, see 4 ways to attend below.
* Sept 22, 9 am Board of Supervisors for Grant application to fund Twilight Ride development
* Sept 24, 10 am Planning Commission (recommend on Conditional Use Permit and EIR)
* TBD (late Oct/early Nov) Board of Supervisors (take action on certifying EIR and the Conditional Use Permit) we will need a heavy turnout!
1. Zoom:
You may use the “raise hand” function for public comment.
OR, to access Zoom for the Placer County Parks Commission hearing on Sept 17th at 5pm go to ‘Placer County Parks Commission, go down to Agendas and minutes, click on view most recent agendas and minutes, click on Sep 17, 2020 Parks Commission Agenda, click on the link for Zoom to join the meeting, use raise hand to speak during public comment.
2. Call-in:
US: +1 877-853-5247 (Toll Free) or 888-788-0099 (Toll Free). Dial “*9” to “raise hand” by phone for public comment. Webinar ID for Zoom and Call-in: 926 2110 5120
3. Watch:
If you would like to view the meeting only but do not wish to participate, you may watch the meeting at this link:
4. In-Person:
The Planning Commission Hearing Room will be open to in-person attendance. To remain in compliance with the state’s public health guidance, the county will limit in-person attendance to just 25% of the room’s capacity and will require 6 feet of social distancing inside and outside the hearing room. There will be no standing room in the hearing room. If all seats are occupied, citizens will be asked to wait outside. Due to the reduced capacity we ask that citizens only be inside the hearing room during the item they wish to participate on and then leave to allow others to participate inside.
Suggested Talking Points CLICK HERE.
Hidden Falls Final SEIR - CLICK HERE.
Reduced Project Comparison PDF - CLICK HERE.
The full 30 miles of additional trails and park amenities will still be built. Additional 25 parking spaces at Mears, 54 parking spaces and 20 equestrian parking spaces at Twilight Ride off Bell Road, and 25 parking spaces at Garden Bar for weekends, holidays and peak days, and special occasions, no equestrian parking there.
To hike and ride in the Harvego Preserve adjacent to the Bear River part of the new expansion you will need a backcountry access permit that you would get through the existing parking reservation system, acknowledging the rules and regulations of riding in the back country. It was felt that a full buildout of the Hidden Falls expansion given funding constraints would not realistically be completed within the next 10 years. So, updates to the EIR would have to be made at the time to complete the full buildout. Thus support for a reduced plan at this time.
Placer Trails website