Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA) is comprised of about 30,000 acres with forty miles of river canyon along the North and Middle Forks of the American River. California State Parks is collaborating with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to prepare a joint General Plan/Resource Management Plan (GP/RMP) for ASRA. California State Parks manages ASRA through a Managing Partner Agreement (MPA) with Reclamation.
You can still write public comments about Auburn SRA General Plan/Resource Management Plan the and submit to:
Cheryl Essex
Northern Service Center Project Lead
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]
Gold Fields District Superintendent
7806 Folsom Auburn Road
Folsom, CA 95630
Mike Howard, Auburn Sector Superintendent
501 El Dorado
Auburn, CA 95604
Jim Micheaels
Gold Fields District Project Lead
California State Parks
Gold Fields District
7806 Folsom-Auburn Road
Folsom, CA 95630
Even if you missed the meetings, you can still submit your planning comments online through January 8, 2018, here:
Online Alternatives Questionnaire
Estimate to complete is about 30 minutes.
Cheryl Essex
Northern Service Center Project Lead
ASRA General Plan/Resource Management Plan (GP/RMP) COMMENTS
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
Alternatives and CEQA Scoping Open House Documents
- Newsletter - English
- Newsletter - Spanish
- Draft Unit Purpose and Vision, Land Use Designation and Alternative Theme Summary
- Alternative Maps -
- Key Proposed Actions and Guidelines for Each Alternative
- Notice of Preparation. Environmental review scoping comments will be accepted through January 5, 2018.
- Fact Sheets --
Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA) is comprised of about 30,000 acres with forty miles of river canyon along the North and Middle Forks of the American River . California State Parks is collaborating with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) to prepare a joint General Plan/Resource Management Plan (GP/RMP) for ASRA. California State Parks manages ASRA through a Managing Partner Agreement (MPA) with Reclamation.
Why a General Plan/Resource Management Plan is important
The GP/RMP will define a long term vision for the park unit, provide guidelines for the protection and management of natural and cultural resources, determine management of many recreation activities which will occur here, and identify any additional facility improvements. An Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) will be prepared as part of this project, to describe potential GP/RMP environmental effects.
The GP/RMP is a programmatic document that will outline broad goals and guidelines for management of Auburn SRA and will provide the basis for developing future focused management plans, specific project plans, and other proposals which implement the GP/RMP goals. However, the GP/RMP will not define detailed methods, plans or designs for fulfilling these goals.
How to get involved in the planning process
If you would like to be kept updated on public workshops and plan development, please submit your name and email address to [email protected]. As allowed by law, email addresses will be kept confidential and only used in connection with ASRA issues, but your name and your comments will become public information.
Public participation schedule
If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive notification of future workshops and planning updates, please contact Project Lead Cheryl Essex at [email protected] or 916-445-8814. If you need special accommodations to participate effectively, please contact Cheryl at least 48 hours in advance.
Meeting # 1
November 12, 2015 at Skyridge Elementary School in Auburn
ASRA GP/RMP Newsletter #1. November 2015.
Powerpoint Presentation
Recreation Activities and Facilities Map 1
Recreation Activities and Facilities Map 2
Recreation Activities and Facilities Map 3
Recreation Activities and Facilities Map 4
Public Comments submitted as of December 1, 2015
Environmental Notices
Notice of Preparation
Notice of Intent (Coming soon)
Past Planning
The existing planning document that provides guidance for the management of ASRA is a AUBURN SRA INTERIM RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN 1992. This plan is outdated and does not adequately address the current types and levels of use at ASRA and other management needs. In recognition of the need for a new guidance document for ASRA, from 2005-2008 State Parks and Reclamation initiated a process to develop a new GP/RMP. Several public workshops and stakeholder meeting were held. This planning process was suspended in 2010 due to the uncertainty regarding the future management of ASRA. In 2012 Reclamation and State Parks entered into a new 25-year MPA for the federal lands at both ASRA and Folsom Lake SRA. With the future management of public use and recreation secured through the MPA, the two agencies both want to re-initiate a process to complete the GP/RMP. While this current process is not dependent on the documents or information developed in the 2005-2008 planning, that information will be used to help inform the current planning effort.
Gold Fields District Superintendent
7806 Folsom Auburn Road
Folsom, CA 95630
Mike Howard, Auburn Sector SuperintendenT
501 El Dorado
Auburn, CA 95604
Cheryl Essex
Northern Service Center Project Lead
One Capitol Mall, Suite 410
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]
Jim Micheaels
Gold Fields District Project Lead
California State Parks
Gold Fields District
7806 Folsom-Auburn Road
Folsom, CA 95630
Other Relevant Documents
Park web page