TO : Honorable Board of Supervisors DATE: June 13, 2017
FROM: David Boesch , County Executive Officer By: Erin Casey , Senior Management Analyst
SUBJECT : Northstar Community Services District/Use Agreement for Martis Valley/Northstar Trail Segments 1 B-2, 3A and 3F Design and Construction
ACTION REQUESTED Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Use Agreement with the Northstar Community Services District (NCSD) authorizing the use of Transient Occupancy Tax funds generated in North Lake Tahoe, in the amount of $250,000, for continued support of the design and construction of a 10 foot wide paved multipurpose recreation trail for segments 1 B-2, 3A, and 3F, at no net cost to the County General Fund . The term of this agreement is June 13 , 2017 through December 31, 2019 .
BACKGROUND Placer County has entered into an annual agreement with the North Lake Tahoe Resort Association ("Resort Association") to provide transportation and infrastructure project development and tourism marketing and visitor information services . The agreement is funded with Placer County Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) revenue and requires Board of Supervisors approval prior to expenditure from the infrastructure portion of the agreement budget. On October 25, 2016, your Board approved an amendment to the Resort Association contract with Placer County which transitions administration of all approved infrastructure project contracts from the Resort Association to the County Executive Office. Contracts for County projects will no longer be required . Contracts for all approved non County projects are to be brought to your Board for review and final approval. The Resort Association's Capital Investment/Transportation Committee and Board of Directors voted to recommend 14 projects in FY 2016-17 .
Your Board reviewed and approved summaries and budgets of these projects on February 21, 2017. The County Executive Office is providing the attached agreement for one of the approved projects per the review and approval process outlined in the amended contract with the Resort Association .
Martis Valley/Northstar Trail Segments 1 B-2, 3A and 3F Design and Construction - $250,000 These funds will continue to support the design and construction of a 1 O foot wide paved multipurpose recreation trail approximately nine miles long connecting the Northstar Village to the Town of Truckee and ultimately the Tahoe basin as well as existing paved and unpaved trails along its route.
It is the intent of the NCSD to implement construction of the trail in logical segments that provide usable links to existing trails and destination points as funding allows. The requested funds will help with the design and construction of Segments 1 B-2 , 3A, and 3F. The total cost of the Martis Valley Trail is estimated between $10-13 million.
Your Board has approved over $1 million in TOT funds to support design and construction of the project to date. The Placer County Parks Division has also contributed $2 .5 million to the project.
Honorable Board of Supervisors
June 13, 2017 NCSD- Martis Valley Trail
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT The Board of Supervisors' approval of this funding contribution is categorically exempt from CEQA per Section 15061, which provides a general rule that if an activity does not have the potential to cause a significant environmental effect, it is exempt from CEQA. The project applicants are responsible for undertaking environmental review of this project per CEQA, if applicable. Allocation of the recommended funding toward project construction would occur only once associated environmental analysis is certified as complete by the applicant. FISCAL IMPACT TOT funds are allocated to infrastructure and transportation projects each year in the Tahoe Tourism and Promotions Budget.
CLICK HERE to see complete Placer County document.