The Placer County Parks Commission on a 7-0 vote recommend to the Placer County Board of Supervisors the reduced Hidden Falls expansion plan which includes the full 30 miles of new trails, new trail access off of Bell road with auto and equestrian parking spaces, but reduces overall auto parking and trailer parking for the entire project.
All trail users were in attendance, but the equestrian groups especially had a great showing at the public hearing, including several representatives from Gold Country Trails Council, Meadow Vista Trails Association, American Endurance Ride Conference and Loomis Basin Horsemen.
Next Thursday, Sept. 24, at 5:00 pm, is the Placer County Planning Commission meeting where they will consider a conditional use permit, approving the reduced Hidden Falls expansion project, and consider the environmental impact report. From there, forward their recommendation to the Placer County Board of Supervisors who will make a final decision at there late October early November meeting.