Ride Director Chuck Stalley’s Message
Welcome to the 64th running of the Western States Trail Ride.
As we approach the August 17 Tevis date, I am pleased with the progress of the melting snow load in the high country, which will allow the ride to start at Robie Park. Trail maintenance has started in Granite Chief to repair water damage from the heavy snow fall last winter.
Temperatures in August will likely be high, so train appropriately and bring plenty of drinks for riders and crews.
The Tevis trail crew has the majority of the trail in the best ever condition and expect to have the entire trail ready for a great ride. As our annual trek from Tahoe to Auburn is merely a few weeks away. I would like to go over a few key points:
- Rider parking passes, rule books, and rider number information (if available) will be mailed from Williams, California on or shortly before August 1st.
- Riders in states outside of California, Nevada, and Oregon will not receive mailings. Rather, those packets are being held in Auburn at the Tevis office located at 150 Gum Lane, Suite C. Jean will be in the office full time from August 12-15 and can provide assistance to you if you need to pick up your passes or need anything else.
- In case we don’t have the rider numbers when we mail the rule books and passes, the Rider Number list will also be available at teviscup.org once it is generated by the office.
- In the interest of safety, we are again enforcing rules regarding riders using lights on the trail. You need to restrict your lights to 250 lumens or less, turn them off when asked by other riders, and turn them off when approaching riders in front of you. Cup committee members will confiscate lights that are obviously too bright, so leave them at home.
- All vet checks (except the one hour holds at Robinson and Foresthill) are designed to have a one-way flow for riders vetting their horses. Once you meet pulse criteria, the vet will examine your horse and ask you to trot away from him/her. If you are not called back, you will continue out of the trot lanes, remount your horse, and process through the out timer. There will be hay and mash past the out timer for additional “chow time.”
This study is being conducted by Jerry Gillespie, DVM, professor at UC Davis, school of veterinary medicine. He and his colleagues will be conducting a study of weight loss in competing equine athletes.
Please register to participate in this important study HERE.
Home Weight: The first step for the study is to complete a “home weight” for your horse before traveling to Tevis. You can complete the home weight form at the link above or print a document which you can fill out and turn in either at Gold Country Fairgrounds in Auburn or at Robie Equestrian Park – wherever you and your horse initially arrive.
Arrival Weight(s): An equine scale will be set up at the Auburn Fairgrounds beginning on Saturday, August 10 (check at the Red Barn to find out where). If your initial arrival point is the Gold Country Fairgrounds, please weigh your horse within 12 hours.
All participating horses will also be weighed within 12 hours of arrival at Robie Park. Please find the scale (near the Mansfield Arena) starting on Wednesday, August 14.
Start Weight: After you have picked up your rider packet on Friday, August 16, proceed to the vet in to check your horse in to the ride. Once you are vetted in and your horse is numbered, please find the research team and the scale near the Mansfield Arena and they will get your horse’s start weight.
Ride Weights: Horses will be weighed (without tack) after the vet checks at Robinson Flat, Foresthill and the finish.
Page 2 of the E-packet contains more detail about the logistics and purpose of the study.
Tevis is committed to learning more through research to help our athletic equine partners perform happily, efficiently, and successfully. Your participation is greatly appreciated, and the research committee has gathered some great incentives to entice you to participate in this study.
Parking at Robinson Flat and Foresthill remain tight this year. I ask that you and your crew drive carefully, and park as directed. It would be wise to bring a pop up for shade. At least one or more of these places will put you in the hot August sun. Ride management has arranged for less space for parking in the shade at Foresthill making more room available for crews and horses in the shade. When you go to the Foresthill VC to leave your vehicle (any time after 10 am on Thursday, the 15th) follow directions given to you by the volunteers, so horses and riders can get needed rest in the shady areas.
This year’s event will feature some great food vendors:
- Starting Friday at 11:00 am, a complete lunch is available for purchase for $10 at the Robie Park vending area.
- Friday’s dinner (a great carbo load for $15) at Robie starts at 5:45 pm and the mandatory pre-ride meeting starts at 6:45 pm.
- Maria’s Tacos will be cooking up delicious fare at Foresthill.
- Fast Friday’s will serve beer and burgers at McCann Stadium Saturday night.
- Los Establos will be making tacos at the Auburn Overlook on Saturday night for hungry crews awaiting the arrival of their riders.
- Native Son’s will serve at the Wednesday Barbecue and a hearty Sunday morning breakfast in the Auburn fairgrounds’ stadium.
Be sure to thank the volunteers and managers of the stops along the way as they thrive on the love from the riders! They literally work all year for this one day as they assist you on your way to Auburn.
Chuck Stalley
2019 Tevis Ride Director