"Dear Farm Bureau Members,
Poison Hemlock (weed) has made its way into the news in the Truckee area. The State of Nevada has closed a trail due to the weed taking over and that fear is slowly moving to citizens in Nevada County. Poison Hemlock is toxic to both humans and livestock if ingested, so pass along to ranchers in our area.
Poison Hemlock is a fairly common weed that has been in the county for some time now and we have not seen an unusually increase in the population this year but it would be a good idea for ranchers to be able to identify the weed and take proper control actions if necessary.
Poisoning is rare as livestock normally avoids this plant until there is nothing left to forage on. DOWNLOAD HERE the information from UC Davis regarding Poison Hemlock that may be of use.
Chris de Nijs
Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer
Nevada County Dept of Agriculture, Weights & Measures"
CLICK HERE information in how to tell Queen Anne's Lace from Poison Hemlock...yes, they look alike.
CLICK HERE to see the article in the San Francisco Chronicle about the trail that was closed in Reno.