The sign is the rule in on public lands: 10 to 15 MPH maximum speed on any shared use trail, and 5 MPH on blind corners or hills, or when encountering or passing other trail users. Trail Partners of Marin have found that if all trail users abide by this trail rule, there are very few conflicts or injuries. Slower speeds means successful trail sharing by everyone.
Drop By for a Visit at the Trail Partners' Slow and Say Hello Outpost at the Bear Valley Trail Head in Point Reyes National Seashore this Saturday, August 31, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Trail Partners will be partnering with the National Park Service. The Slow and Say Hello Outpost will be conveniently stationed at the end of the Bear Valley Parking Lot , next to the Morgan Horse Ranch. Take our quiz and win a great prize while enjoying a refreshing glass of ice water and a Clif bar.
To learn more about this successful program, CLICK HERE.