Placer Supervisors-approved construction plans continue for Twilight Ride Access and Parking/Trailhead Project at Hidden Falls Regional Park. We have made good progress in this first few weeks of construction on the Twilight Ride Access and Parking/Trailhead Project, and wanted to give you another update on the construction schedule provided by the contractor.
The contractor, All-Phase Construction, has been working on the storm drain system near Bell Road, and should be finished installing the new 30-inch culvert pipe and drainage system by tomorrow. They have also been clearing and grubbing as well as rough grading for the new entrance, access road and parking area. After the storm drain system near Bell Road has been completed, they will begin backfilling that area to prepare for a new construction entrance.
In compliance with our permits, professional monitors have been (and will continue to be) on site periodically during operations. Grading will continue at least through the week of October 6th. They plan to install the 48” culvert near the middle of the project the first week of October or possibly sooner, depending on how fast the grading is going. If the weather holds out, they hope to be able to pave this year. Anything that is not completed before the serious rains start this year will be completed next construction season.
We will keep you apprised during the construction process with various updates. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have during the construction.
Thank you,
Lisa Carnahan
Parks Senior Planner
Placer County Department of Parks and Open Space
(530) 889-6837 | [email protected]