- National Park Service (by state and park)
- Bureau of Land Management (by field offices)
- Bureaus of Reclamation (by District)
- Fish and Wildlife Service (by individual Refuge)
You can access the database HERE.
Policies are literally all over the map, depending on the department and individual land manager. Access ranges from e-bikes not being allowed on any trails, to being allowed on motorized trails and roads but not on non-motorized trails, to full access where ever regular bikes are allowed. Also, e-bike access will depend on class of e-bike and some individual land managers.
There are loud objections to adding a new motorized user to non-motorized public trails, and the Dept. of Interior has been revealed to be secretly meeting with e-bike lobbyists for over a year. See article HERE entitled "E-bike industry "advisory group" violated federal law in secretly lobbying the National Park Service.
Because most of the plans were never publicly available and policies were put into place with no CEQA or environmental impact on the trails, or public comment allowed, litigation is being filed all over the country. Ultimately, these policies will be finalized, some now and some after current and future litigation is settled.
Yes, it is confusing. If you have concerns about your local county, state or federal park and land, contact the managing agency. The local contact lists are HERE and HERE.